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Helping you help others

Started in 2025, Card Companion's goal is to automate small payments across multiple cards to ensure our users maximize the value of their credit cards and debit cards. 

Card Rewards

Meeting transaction requirements through automatic payments can help you earn rewards points on your credit cards.

Interest Rates

Meeting minimum transaction requirements through autopay can help you qualify for higher interest rates on your bank accounts, earning you more money with no additional effort.

Credit Score

Most major credit card companies shut down credit cards that have not been used after a while. This hurts consumer credit score, makes aquiring future cards harder, and even increases the cost for future loans. 


Autopay saves you time and effort, so you don't have to manually track and make purchases on each debit card and credit card every month.

Meeting Monthly Transactions for Citi Credit Cards

Avoid Inactivity Fees

Automating your debit card payments gives you the ability to avoid penalties associated with periods of inactivity. 

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your payments are taken care of provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on more important aspects of daily life.


All profits from your selected plan will be donated to an accredited charity at the end of each year.

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